Arihant 151 essays PDF is the most excellent source for preparing for competitive and recruitment examinations like UPSC, BPSC, various state public service commissions, etc.
We all know that essay writing is an art, so one should have discipline of mind, good vocabulary, analytical power, grammatical accuracy, and the essential thing is a thorough knowledge of the topic. This can be achieved by reading more and more.

Arihant 151 Essays PDF
While writing an essay, we should keep five points in our minds.
• Centre of attention – An essay must be about a single central idea. Each passage should be focused on a particular point.
• Development – Suitable examples, details, and descriptions should be illustrated to explain the idea of every passage.
• Unity – Every passage should stick on to its main point.
• Coherence – Each passage should be logically arranged and should have consistency.
• Correctness – The essay should be written in the grammatically correct way and error-free
So, keeping all these points in mind, an essay should be written so that the reader must be able to understand the subject matter.
Coming to the point, this Arihant 151 essays book pdf covers various topics like social, environmental, education, historical, economics, political, national issues, international issues, sports, essential quotations, proverbial and idiomatic essays, etc. This pdf will provide you with guidance knowledge of the topics. It will stimulate your imagination and finally enhance your analyzing power.
Author name | SC Gupta |
Pages | 483 |
Language | English |
Publication | Arihant publication |
Arihant 151 essays book pdf covers a wide variety of topics. This will enable you to learn more, and you will become well versed in essay writing. As the quality of the essay is much more important than the quantity in essay writing, it is better to enhance your knowledge about various topics and the typical way of writing an essay. This Arihant 151 essays book pdf will improve the learning standards.
This pdf is prepared so that beginners will also be able to understand, and it contains short essay types. In addition to this, the latest news is also covered in this pdf so that it will enable you to learn the current topics as well.
After reading this book, one can write a fascinating and compelling essay by understanding how a typical essay should be. You can download this book free of cost.
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